While browsing Seeds server on discourse, I found out about Authentic Relating Games.
From there I went on googling and found out the following games, in the following link:
The Noticing Game
Directions: Two people stand or sit directly across from each other, making eye contact. One person is A and the other is B. A goes first.
A begins: “Sitting/standing here with you, I notice…”
B responds, “Hearing that, I notice…”Go back and forth: “Hearing that, I notice… Hearing that, I notice…” for 2-5 minutes.
Note: YOU CAN SHARE OBSERVATIONS, THOUGHTS, SENSATIONS, FEELINGS… You can share ANYTHING you’re noticing inside this structure of “A” and “B” going back and forth.
The Curiosity Game
Directions: Two people stand or sit facing each other. Designate an A and a B. A has 5 minutes to ask B whatever they want, provided that they feel really, genuinely curious to know the answer to their question. B can answer or decline to respond to any question.
At the end of the time, B get a chance to give a minute of feedback to A on how they felt about the questions, including if there was anything they wished had been asked or anything that really struck them. Then, A resumes questioning for 3 more minutes.
At the end of the time, A gives a gift to B of three sentence stems: “My first impression of you was. . .”, “I felt you the most when . . .”, and “What I really get about you is . . .”.
Partners then switch roles and play again.
Directions: Two people stand or sit directly across from each other, making eye contact. One person is A and the other is B. A goes first.
A begins: “_______(person B’s name), I have a truth for you. Are you available to hear it?”
B responds: “I’m open to it” or “I’m not open to it.”
If B is open, A shares: “_____(person B’s name), when you ________ (name a particular, unarguable moment or experience), I felt _______(share an emotion).”
B responds, “Thank you.”Go back and forth sharing truths for as much time as you have available.
Note: You can share truths and/or appreciations following this same format.
Directions: Two people stand or sit facing each other. Designate an A and a B.During the game, A will onlly say the word, “Watermelon.”
B will respond with, “You seem_____.”
A will respond only with the word, “Watermelon.” Watermelon should be an authentic response to the impact they feel after hearing B share how they seem.
Check the link for illustrative videos:
It seems to me that the portuguese card-game “Papo a Papo” (www.papoapapo.com) can fit in this category.
Also, for a more local connection, find out where authentic relating is happening around the world. Glad to see it is already in Portugal too: https://www.authrev.com/worldwide-connection/
What other authentic relating games do you know about?