Driver Statement
A lot of stuff has been done all over the world that feeds a way of suffering.
There is generally this need of Love and Peace, and concretely a need to feed Love and Peace thoughts and actions in America’s presidency.
And this seems good enough for me to start doing something around it.
First need I identify is to get organized. For this, I choose to use Driver Mapping from S3.0.
For a reference on the full process, in a more visual way, check
So…First steps I recommend for you to enter this conversation is to answer questions 1 and 2 to yourself, and explicitly reply to this text with your answer. This will allow me to understand who is really committed into this.
1 - Do you have any clarifying question around the above driver?
2 - Do you relate and consent to working on this driver?
When you’ve answered 1 and 2, move on to next questions, and please update this post - it’s a wiki post, so you can edit it directly, below the step ;-).
3 - Who are the actors that might: suffer, benefit, contribute or delay the process of addressing the driver above? (replace [YOUR ANSWER HERE] by your answer.) (To edit this text you need to: login to this site and then, click on the “Edit this wiki post” on the top-right of the post - or the pencil available on the bottom-right)
- People living in North America
- Republicans
- Democrats
- People working on Social Media
- Planet
4 - For each actor.,identify a list of sub-drivers (contexts and needs) that relate to them (can be drivers that they may help attend or drivers that they might need to be addressed).What are the drivers (needs and contexts) per actor that need to/can be addressed to effectively feed Love and Peace thoughts and actions into America’s presidency ?
5 - On step five we bundle all the needs from all the actors together and try and categorize them into sets of drivers (domains)
6 - For each domain we then give a name, and identify concrete actions that may be done or topics that can benefit from some governance.
Some already in course actions are listed as replys to this post.